Site icon Vision For Children – House of Hope – Chile

The Saga Continues: Extreme Flexiblity

Vision for Chile – “Extreme Makeover” Update #4
October 13-14, 2006

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In the last email we mentioned that one of the keys to a successful missions trip is “Extreme Teamwork” – and right next to that is – “Extreme Flexibility”. It is the ability to meet all situations and enjoy the journey.

You can have flexibility – but on a mission trip – you need the Extreme kind! That’s the one that has God as the main component. He is sovereign and His plan is perfect – it always works!

Well, Friday proved to be a flexibility day. Torrential rains, with falling temperatures that brought snow to Andes and flooded streets to Santiago, started our day and ended it.

God knew all about the weather before hand, because just the day before the team had constructed and poured 200 ft of sidewalks, allowing us to get around the work site that day in spite of 2” of rain and lots of mud! We were able to accelerate our inside work, sanding and prepping walls for painting, hanging doors, and installing computers in the Educational Building. The kitchen went on full alert for HOT soup, HOT. Chocolate, and all kinds of comfort food (which we all loved!).

Today – Saturday – the sun is shining again, and the crews are busy “setting forms” in preparation to pour 2000 sq ft of concrete on Monday for a safer entryway and parking pad. We will be adding more sidewalks as well, for we have seen the terrible conditions that the girls and the Tias have to walk on in the winter.

“Extreme Flexibility” – It’s the stuff of Mission Trips! Are you feeling flexible? So much can be accomplished and enjoyed when we are in the flow of God’s Plan. Stay tuned for the next chapter of – Vision for Chile’s “Extreme Makeover”!


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