Giving Hope to…


Hello. My name is Nayeli. I am 18 years old.

When I was 3 years of age I entered the system. My maternal grandmother physically attacked me. I don’t know everything she did, the only thing I remember perfectly is that she bit my body and taught me that she would give me a drink (beer or alcohol). My mother did not take good care of me and I ended up living in a children’s home. 

Now that I am older I understand a little about her lack of affection, mainly because as time went by I learned that my father abused her and as a result of that rape I was born. It was probably very difficult for her… I lived in homes until I came of age, which was not long ago. Although I have fond memories, I also remember that defending oneself was very important. That was the only thing that would help one gain respect among others and not let them hurt you. 

I had no idea what this house would give me. Today I live here….. I feel good… and the most important thing is that I am not lacking anything

— Nayeli

Finding a Home

That didn’t help the rest of my life much either because after the home I could only find a shelter to live in. Everyone was afraid of me and I just wanted to be okay. I didn’t dislike the idea of living in a hostel but the people I lived with were much older than me and many had alcohol and drug problems. 

I was introduced to the idea of living at House of Hope because my shelter was going to close and being on the streets terrified me. They told me that it was a nice place and that I could study there… Although very scared, I had no idea what this house would give me. Today I live at the House of Hope and dream of studying international cuisine. I feel good. I had never had a single room… and the most important thing is that I am not lacking anything…

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