Giving Hope to…

Nayeli Hello. My name is Nayeli. I am 18 years old. When I was 3 years of age I entered the system. My maternal grandmother physically attacked me. I don’t know everything she did, the only thing I remember perfectly is that she bit my body and taught me that she would give me a drink (beerContinueContinue reading “Giving Hope to…”

I Am Very Thankful… For Hope…

Alanis Hello. My name is Alanis. I turned 20 last semester.  I have been living in House of Hope for a little more than half a year. I am very thankful. My life has not been very nice. My parents fought and hit each other probably every day or at least that is what IContinueContinue reading “I Am Very Thankful… For Hope…”

Giving Tuesday 2023

1701176400  days  hours  minutes  secondsuntilGiving Tuesday is HERE! Give a safe place to live to a vulnerable girl in Chile. You can give the hope that a secure home provides to a young lady at the House of Hope. Give a safe place to live to a vulnerable girl in Chile. Give Today: Donate Now!ContinueContinue reading “Giving Tuesday 2023”

Community work

Four weeks ago I started to work at two different schools in La Pintana. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays I am helping at the „Forjadores del Fututo“-School, on Thursdays and Fridays I go to the „Las Rosas“-School, which is a special needs school. The work at these two schools is completely different,which makes it very interesting! AtContinueContinue reading “Community work”

House of Hope Update from Amanda

Amanda Grengs Week 1- It was a quick adjustment to get settled into House of Hope and feel apart of the family.Week one in Chile was settling into my schedule and figuring out my role in helping outat the schools, hogare, and the house of hope ministry. It has been great getting to knowthe kidsContinueContinue reading “House of Hope Update from Amanda”